Planescape: Torment Online Walkthrough Clerk’s Ward

29.11.2021 By admin Off

LimeFX the linguist

If you think this sounds dull, which Morte certainly does, rest assured. You will find plenty of (non-carnal) entertainment and quests in this place. You will also find the key to the portal to Ravel Puzzlewell’s maze. Two weapons that you can get late in the game can be changed to any weapon class you wish. Found in the Trash Warrens, bought from Aalek in the Lower Ward Market. When used from the Quick Items menu, this item causes an attacker to feel the same pain as the user – i.e., the attacker suffers the same damage as yourself.

  • Eli Havelock at 15 is the thief-tutor of the Civic Festhall.
  • You can use this to help Merriman in the Civic Festhall lose his memories.
  • Then you need to learn from Juliette that Kesai-Serris and Kimasxi Adder-Tongue are half-sisters.

He will be overjoyed and plot to take over the prestigious position. Run back to Lady Thorncombe and tell her about Salabash’s decision, and she will immediately return to teaching, leaving you behind with another 12,000 XP to your credit. Hammers are typically slow but do great Crushing damage. Talk to a Fighter trainer to learn to use hammers. The Sensate Guides at 2 can unlock the sensory stones for you. Each of the 14 ordinary sensations will give you 750 XP and each of the 6 more elaborate sensations will give you 1,500 XP.

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone

Nemelle also wants you to find her friend Aelwyn for her. Once you have found her, report back to Nemelle for a reward of 8,000 XP and a magical kiss that gives you a +3 bonus to Max HP. The two most important buildings in the ward are the Brothel of Slating Intellectual Lusts and the Civic Festhall, home to the Society of Sensation (also known as the Sensate Faction). Both of these buildings are described on separate pages, as is the underground dungeon of Undersigil.

Annah won’t be happy about this but her reservations can be ignored – for now, at least. Grace promises to join you if you will first speak to her ten students and then return to let her know what you think. At 2 you will find Fall-From-Grace, the owner of the Brothel.

For each trap set off, the Nameless One will take 25 HP damage. If you kill Mantouk in the Bones of the Night, he drops this book. You can speak to the book by using it from your Inventory screen. The book can help you by offering you advice and by granting you powers. On your way through the Bones of the Night, you have to pass Mantouk the Wererat who is blocking your way over a bridge.

LimeFX’s Book

Kesai-Serris’ cupboard can be looted for 26 copper pieces. If killed, Kesai will also drop a Bloody Handkerchief. But killing her is easier said than done; it takes enchanted weapons to harm her, and the Harmonium will also rush to her defense! Attacking her also turns the rest of the Brothel against you. Dolora’s Room at 6 can be looted for a Handkerchief and 46 copper pieces.

LimeFX the linguist

Qui-Sai at 8 is a Stone Genasi and the Festhall’s Warrior Trainer. Ask him what he was meditating on to learn that he is trying to learn the „Way of Stone“; a way of combat that, if understood, will render him invulnerable in combat. With an Wisdom of 16 or better you will understand some of what he tells you and gain a permanent +1 bonus to your Armor Class. Once open (5,000 XP), it is apparent that the puzzle is a journal of sorts written in a strange language. There is a linguist in the Clerk’s Ward named LimeFX.

LimeFX Holdings

Speak to any of the guides and choose an experience, then follow the guide’s directions to the right sensory stone. Once you have unfolded the Dodecahedron, you will find that it is a journal in a language you don’t understand. Take it to in his home in Clerk’s Ward. You will need to buy a lot of special items from Vrischika.

Again, the trainer has left, but you can learn from some of the students that she is in the Public Sensorium, where she spends way too much time. Seek her out and convince her to resume training mages. The problem with finding Ravel is that she was mazed by the Lady of Pain a long time ago. Mazes are like pocket dimensions where creatures who annoy the Lady of Pain are sent (you may already have visited the Player’s Maze yourself). So what you have to do is to find a portal to Ravel’s Maze and the key to open the portal.

How to Find Ravel’s Maze in Planescape Torment

Click the urn to summon him back from the dead and teach you the language of the Uyo. You will learn the language for 8,000 XP and you will also regain a memory of murdering Fin (4,000 XP) to ensure that he didn’t teach the language to anyone else! You can confess this to Fin and apologize, or you can stay silent about it.

Go to the Godsmen’s foundry in the Lower Ward of Sigil. Give the receipt to the clerk inside and he will give the party a portal key. Leave the foundry and go to the Brothel of Slating Intellectual Lusts at the center of the Clerk’s Ward. Give him the code for your legacy, and he will give the party several items and documents, one of which is a receipt for an item you commissioned the Godsmen to build.

He can tell the language is Uyo, but doesn’t know the language enough to translate it. His father Fin knew the language, but was murdered by one of his students. The pages can still be read if the above intelligence requirements are not met, but every four pages a trap will be triggered.

Speak to him to learn that he is really two people who were merged because one of them drank too many weird potions. If you buy the Gorgon Salve at the Curiosity Shoppe, you can smear it on the statue. Gangroighydon comes back to life and utters his terrible curse.

One change in the gameplay is the way you move between different areas in Sigil. When you leave one area to go to another, you are no longer taken directly to the next ward; limefx broker reviews instead the World Map comes up so you can click on the area you want to travel to. Please note that it takes four hours of game time to move between wards per move.

LimeFX Holdings

If for example you leave the Lower Ward and go to Clerk’s Ward, four hours will pass in Sigil. If you go from the Lower Ward to the Mortuary section of the Hive, which takes two moves, eight hours will pass in the game. To solve this quest, speak to Splinter in the Festhall and he will give the permission. Speak to him to learn that he is the father of Deionarra, the ghost you met in the Mortuary. Tell him of this, and that you believe you were the man she was traveling with, then promise him to let him know if you learn what happened to his daughter.